You're invited to the next installment of the Tom Stathes Cartoon Carnival presented by The Kings County Cinema Society! Come and see some classic cartoon characters you know and some ancient ones you've never heard of! The show is presented in 16mm with a projector--no digital aspect whatsoever enabling you to enjoy film as it was originally intended.
$5. Donation at the rear of Freddy's Bar
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
8:00pm - 10:00pm
Freddy's Bar and Backroom
485 Dean St.
Prospect Heights, Brooklyn, NY
By Subway take the 2, 3 trains to Bergen Street; Freddy's is right around the corner. Or take practically any train in the city to Atlantic Avenue/Pacific Street Stations; Walk East on Flatbush and take a left on Dean.
**Please join our group at
Uhh...whatever happened to listing the cartoons shown?
I like to keep the audience guessing. Attendees do get a program guide on arrival, however.
Sorry I can't be in NY, Tom. It's not quite walking distance from Vancouver.
These shows are wonderful things and I hope this one is a big success. More so than that picture of Daffy in the upper left-hand column of the one-sheet.
As I suspect you're running some silents, do you add a audio track or just run them without sound?
Dearest Yowp,
For the time being I'm running all sound prints- specifically silents that have music already added to the prints. At some point when I have a bigger library of ancient music on CD I'll start running full-blown silent prints and play music alongside.
I'm a Brooklyn-er, not far from Crown Hts. I'm sorry I missed this one (work-work-work) but hope to make the next one.
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