Announced only here*, all 23 of my Early Animation DVDs are half price this month.
Help support my cause and buy a DVD or two or three or 23 :-D
For those of you that haven't checked out my sales site, here is a quick list of what's available:
Oswald the Lucky Rabbit
Alice Comedies (vol. 1-3)
Felix the Cat (vol. 1-4)
Farmer Alfalfa (vol. 1-3)
Aesop's Fables
Aesop's Sound Fables
Bray Rarities
Krazy Kat
Out of the Inkell (vol. 1-2)
Koko Song Cartunes
Rare Silent Cartoons
Stop Motion Madness
Bobby Bumps
For content info, follow the link at right.
(Questions, etc...send them through the forms on my site.)
*I had originally announced on the forums about having an overstock and selling some at half price, but I've since decided to have the sale apply to all compilations.

*I* suppose you shall be a believer...and be amazed :-D
hey Tom,
do you know the condition of Bray's original colonel heeza liar cartoons? Do they still exist? Do you have them?
Hi Charlie,
A handful do exist. There is one on my Bray Rarities DVD; Heeza Liar At the Bat (1915).
I have another on 16mm and will hopefully acquire two more in the near future. He's one of the 'forgotten' character I hope to pair up with Happy Hooligan, Goodrich Dirt, etc in future DVDs.
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